Tuesday, October 4, 2011


The compositional styles i am most drawn to is contrast and and directional movement. Especially on my second rayogram the pencils all overlap at one point, and you can imagine the figure in three dimensions.
I think my most compelling work would be my first cut out collage and my second rayogram because they are simple and interesting pieces

Developing Craft:
1. Retrive photo paper
2. Place photo paper glossy side up and place objects.
3. Set timer for 8 seconds and turn light on
4. Put picture in developer for 1-2 minutes
5. put in stop bath for 30 seconds
6. put picture in developer for 2-5 minutes
7. Put photo paper in water
8. Put in Perma wash for 2 minutes
9. Put in water, then move to drying rack.

I had some trouble with working the enlarger and but did a good job envisioning what my rayogram was going to look like as a rayogram. I chose these pieces as my favorite because they inspire me.