Thursday, January 12, 2012

Texture Sculpture Reflection

Throughout this project I worked hard to bring together a collection of different, interesting, and exciting textures. In my sculpture I had three main textures which I created out of wood, wire, sand, and plaster. I focused on keeping clear lines, and putting all of my attention towards texture rather than colors, which meant that I would have to make my entire sculpture one color, a variation of white, black, and mostly gray. I wanted to immerse myself in texture, which is why I experimented with many different mediums of creating texture and In the preparation of creating my sculpture I immediately knew what i wanted to do to create texture, and, although it was an extreme amount of work, I worked through it and came out with a sculpture that clearly shows experimentation with texture. Throughout the entire texture project I have learned to look closer at things and to imagine the texture of something when I look at it. I worked hard throughout this entire unit to get down to the bare texture of something, and showing the simplicity and intricacy of different textures. In my process of collaging I made many efforts to organize the collection of texture on paper, to see what these textures would look like interacting together later in a sculpture. i designed my sculpture around my photoshop collage, which I worked on for a long time to perfect the placement of each texture, and each textures interaction with other textures. I believe that all of my final product collages were free of technical difficulties, and that they were all fairly easy to create. The main difficulty that I encountered with my final product was that at the beginning I put too much work on my plate. I planned to drill large holes in wood, to create a net of wire, to plaster, and to make a sandpaper texture out of sand and paint. Although it was an extreme amount of work, I succeeded and finished all the aspects of my project on time. Overall, I am proud of my work throughout this unit and successfully attempted to portray texture in many ways.