Thursday, March 22, 2012

Degree of Exploration

How well do your drawings capture the gesture of the figure? 
     I think that my drawings capture the gesture of the figure well, as there is a clear sense of movement in the drawing that represents the models motion well. 

How thoroughly did you explore the process of simplifying and “abstracting” the gestures in order to best capture your intended form?
     The simplification started with my original sketches, in which I tried to just cut down the human form into very few lines, linking many limbs and body parts into one, flowing line. This simplified the figure into the key lines that I based my later sketches around. In my later sketches and diagrams of my sculpture I made these lines three dimensional, creating a simple, abstract clay moquette.

In what ways have your intentions change over the course of your project so far?  What opportunities or occurrences led to these changes?
     Originally, with my first motion drawings, I tried to simplify the models motion into the key lines of the figure. Once I had to make my figures three dimensional I could not have a stick figure, and thus i had to have some changes which included making lines into thicker, blobs of clay. This was the main transformation that I have encountered so far, and I am expecting to encounter even more transformations as I switch medium again, to plaster.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Value Final Post

I felt more comfortable in the drawing medium, as I could create and change the drawing as I went on. this is the opposite in the darkroom, as you cannot see your prints until you develop them, which makes it so you cannot change your prints and you have to start a new print rather than change the thing you are working on. I think that I was more in control of how the craft turned out with drawing, as I had the drawing in front of me as I worked rather than a blank piece of photo paper. Overall I think that I was able to express myself better through the drawing than the prints.

To better improve both my experience and my results in the darkroom I will take better, more in focus pictures originally, which will help provide me with a wide variety of good, in focus pictures.I am very happy with my drawing experience and results, which is why I enjoyed the drawing portion of this project much more than the darkroom portion of the project