Monday, November 14, 2011

Color Project Reflection Questions

For this project the three tools I used were acrylic paint, paper, and a paintbrush. In this project I used many different painting strategies, which included dabbing the paper with paint, brushing the paper with a brush with nearly no paint, and using smooth, clean lines.

The steps I took to develop my craft are:
1. Take a picture of what I would like to paint 
2. Do contour drawings of the picture
3. Trace the drawing onto four different pieces of paper
4. Paint all of the papers
5. Take pictures of each painting individually
6. Combine all of the pictures on Photoshop

Observation was a key factor of this project because we needed to observe the shading of the picture to allow us to paint an accurate replica. We have learned to use color in different ways to show warmth, coolness, light, and shade. We have learned to interpret color's relationship to its surrounding colors and to show the relationship in our paintings.

Color Dyptychs:
For this project I took pictures of different color schemes around campus. I used a camera, the app Colormixer, and Ms. Seals scarf. The main method i used was to zoom very close to the object I am photographing to capture the small details in the texture and color.

I used my skills of observation with this project by going around campus extremely aware of the colors of my surroundings and imagining how different things would look in relation to other colors in the picture. I also used exploration in this project because I had to crawl into unusual places to take interesting photos. This project really made me understand the interaction of color between different color schemes.

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