Sunday, December 11, 2011

Texture Project Part 1 Reflection Questions

1. What was most interesting to you about part one of the texture project? Why?

One aspect of the project that was interesting to me was being thoughtful and simple about where to put texture and where the line between too simple and too chaotic is in collage.

2. Of the 10 photographs you took, which image best communicates the essence or "feel" of a texture? Why was that photograph so successful?

I think my photograph of the circles with mesh inside them was most successful because this photograph conveys the simple texture of scattered circles surrounded by smooth metal, and it also shows the small texture of the mesh inside of the circles, a smaller, more intricate texture.

3. Which of your three collages is most successful? What makes that collage the most successful?

My electronic collage is most successful because it has a fluidity in transitions between images. The photographs used clearly show interesting textures and blend together into a smooth, clean collage.

4. Using specific detail, describe your favorite collage.

My favorite collage shows stainless steel with a sandpapery texture in the bottom right corner and circles with mesh inside them in the bottom left corner. Across the top half of my favorite collage is plastic bups with smaller bumps around it.

5. Thinking back to Mr. O's demonstration in class on Friday, how might you use the techniques he showed you to create a 3-d representation of your 2-d collage? 

I am definitely going to use Mr. O's plaster technique with some of my textures. It is going to be difficult to make a 3-D representation of my 2-D collage because my transitions between textures are more fluid, and thus I would need all the 3-D textures to blend together in a smooth way, without harsh lines. It is going to be difficult but I am sure I will solve this dilemma.

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